Mana Whenua: Who are they?
Vincent Egan Vincent Egan

Mana Whenua: Who are they?

Mana Whenua, in the context of a virtual marae, refers to the power, authority, and territorial rights held by the local tribe or people over a specific land or territory. This authority signifies their ancestral connection, rights, and responsibilities to that land and the marae situated upon it. The term Mana Whenua is not just …..

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Whakatika: 6 Essential Guidelines for Attending a Pōwhiri here.
Vincent Egan Vincent Egan

Whakatika: 6 Essential Guidelines for Attending a Pōwhiri here.

Prepare for your upcoming Pōwhiri ceremony with our basics guide. Learn the importance of punctuality, appropriate attire, relationship-building, and other key etiquettes to honor this traditional Māori welcoming ceremony. Metawhenua covers some of what you need to know to participate respectfully and meaningfully in……

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